Intro to Arduino: Build a Holiday Music Box
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesHave you been interested in working with Arduino but don’t know where to start? We have got you covered! Ray will lead attendees of this class in building a digital music box to take home and show off with pride. In the process, students will assemble a battery-powered Arduino with an input switch and a speaker. Then, students will upload sketches to play a melody.
Analog Circuits: Expand the Bithead!
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesNo analog in your toolbox? Do your circuits see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing? Let's change that pronto! In this class Ray will introduce some of the basics of analog signals, op-amps and sensing temperature to design a mixed-signal (analog and digital) circuit.
Intro to Electronics
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesHave you been interested in electronics but don't know where to start? This class does not assume any prior experience or knowledge whatsoever so here's your chance!
Attendees will learn about basic concepts such as voltage, current, resistors and capacitors. Intuitive analogies and diagrams will be used, minimal math beyond a few bits of basic algebra will be presented.
Using, Choosing and Abusing Transistors
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesElectronics enthusiasts use transistors as switches and amplifiers in a wide range of applications. While they are relatively simple devices they are often a source of confusion and frustration when we are called upon to use them. NPN? PNP? MOSFET? JFET? Which of the 10,000 in the catalog is the right choice? In this class…
Intro to Electronics
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesHave you been interested in electronics but don't know where to start? This class does not assume any prior experience or knowledge whatsoever so here's your chance! Attendees will learn about basic concepts such as voltage, current, resistors and capacitors. Intuitive analogies and diagrams will be used, minimal math beyond a few bits of basic…
CANCELED: Learn to Solder: Make a Knox Makers Badge
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesIf you haven't learned to solder yet or if it has been so long that you'd like to learn again we've got you covered! Ray and Issac will teach attendees how to solder thru-hole components while assembling their own Knox Makers badge (pictured above). The circuit includes 6 LEDs, 6 resistors, and a coin cell…
Make a Flashing LED Backlit Knox Makers Badge
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesWe were looking to level-up our badge kits in the electronics store and think the result is awesome! Join us for a guided build of the badge pictured above and then take it home to earn geek street cred among your soon-to-be-jealous friends. Attendees should be able to solder thru-hole components but don't need to…
Going from Schematics to Breadboards
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesIn this class Ray will lead you step by step through reading a schematic and translating it into a prototype on a solderless breadboard. Each attendee will build a circuit using an integrated circuit, resistors, capacitors and diodes to take home and show off to friends!
CANCELLED: Intro to Electronics: DC Circuits
Knox Makers - Classroom 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesHave you been interested in electronics but don't know where to start? This class does not assume any prior experience or knowledge whatsoever so here's your chance! Attendees will learn about basic concepts such as voltage, current, resistance and capacitance. Intuitive analogies and diagrams will be used, minimal math beyond a few bits of basic…
Filters and Working in the Frequency Domain (Part 1 of 2)
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesIf you've been building circuits for some time and want to improve your understanding of just what's going on then this is a great class series for you!
Make a Blinky Light Holiday Star
Knox Makers - Classroom 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesJoin Ray and Issac for a guided build of the USB-powered ornament/desk-piece/gift/however-you-use-it pictured above and then take it home to earn geek street cred among your soon-to-be-jealous friends.
Filters and Working in the Frequency Domain (Part 2 of 2)
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesIf you've been building circuits for some time and want to improve your understanding of just what's going on then this is a great class series for you!
Filters and Working in the Frequency Domain
Knox Makers - Classroom 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesNOTE: This is a two session class; January 12 and 19, 6:30-8:00pm each day.
If you’ve been building circuits for some time and want to improve your understanding of just what’s going on then this is a great class series for you!
Filters and Working in the Frequency Domain (session 2)
Knox Makers - Classroom 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesMany common circuits you’ve used are really filters at heart:
– Bypass capacitors
– Switch de-bouncing
– Arduino PWM audio output filter
– Stereo speaker crossovers
– RF communications filters
Ray will teach attendees about several interesting concepts:
– How to think about signals in the frequency domain
– Types of filters
– How filters are used
– What’s an FFT and is it useful to me?
Intro to DSP: Learn How DSP Filters Work
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN, United StatesNote: This will be an online class. Just before class, an invitation will be sent to the email you provide during registration with a link to join and a copy of the presentation in PDF format. DSP (digital signal processing) takes real-world signals such as temperature, speech, images and RF signals and manipulates them in…
Canceled: Switching Supply Design Walk-through
Knox Makers - VirtualNote: This will be an online class. Just before class, an invitation will be sent to the email you provide during registration with a link to join and a copy of the presentation in PDF format. Power supplies are part of most electronics projects. While linear regulator power supplies are relatively easy to design, switching…
Build a Coronavirus Blinky Light Circuit
Knox Makers - VirtualNote: This will be an online, virtual, live event. There's no better way to entertain ourselves in a socially distanced manner than to build a circuit that, well, doesn't *celebrate* the coronavirus but, um, *is* the coronavirus! We designed this one of a kind kit specifically for this class and it consists of 8 LEDs,…
A look inside the ubiquitous LM7805 regulator
Knox Makers - VirtualThe LM7805 is one of the most popular integrated circuits of electronics. There are certainly several appliances in your house that are using this part and its variants right this moment! All it does is convert an input voltage, for example 12V, to a fixed 5V output voltage to power circuits that require it. In…
High voltage power supply design walk through
Knox Makers - VirtualJoin Ray as he provides a casual walk through of the details of his 170V DC power supply design. The design is relatively minimal in complexity but provides several opportunities for learning about AC and DC circuitry. Design features of the supply include: 120VAC to 170VDC rectifier with inrush current limit and fuse protection Output…