Milling 101 – Bridgeport Mill Tool Authorization
Knox Makers 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville** Intro to Machining is a prerequisite class. You have to complete the Intro to Machining class before you can take the Milling 101 Class. *****
In this class you will receive basic hands on experience in operating a Bridgeport Series I J-Head milling machine. During this 3 to 4 hour class, Billy will go over the basics of tramming the head of the mill, tramming the vise, edge finding, work holding and setup, drilling , side milling, and top/end milling operations. You will also learn the basics of the DRO (digital read out), the table power feed, and basic care of the mill. This is a tool authorization class and once completed you will be authorized to use the milling machine and Knox Maker members will receive a key need to operate the mill. Intro to Machining is a prerequisite class.