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Knoxville WordPress: [All Users] Social, New Venue, and Controlling LEDs


Starting this month, the Knoxville WordPress group will meet at Knox Makers on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. These meetings are free and open to the public.

The agenda for this meeting is as follows:

-Social time: Show up early at 6:30PM to network, check out the new venue, and just take it easy.

-Show and Share/Introductions: Feel free to introduce yourself, your experience, what you want to learn, and any projects you could use advice on.

-Lightning Plugin Review: Small business owners and plugin/WP implementors or project managers will enjoy this review of Yoast SEO. We will do a layman’s overview. This will not focus on technical information for developers or speed optimizers.

-Main Presentation: Controlling LEDs with a Raspberry Pi through WordPress, an ongoing case study. WordPress developers, especially those interested in electronics projects, will enjoy the main presentation. There will be a general audience tone as we highlight the main steps in a real world project. In this project, we have successfully gotten an LED to blink Morse code, translated from a WordPress post. We will also look at additional modifications and examples, making this project modular, and releasing the GitHub files and documentation. This presentation is an introduction to the main concepts of LED control with some limited time for technical questions. Admins will be available to answer more questions offline or in a later developer-centric track.

-Free time before moving to a local bar.

Knoxville WordPress is a community of WordPress users of all types – developers, designers, other professionals, small business owners, and an otherwise wide range of WP folk in the area. We routinely rotate presentations out for different types of users called [tracks] such as [Developers], [Designers], and [All Users]. Everyone is welcome to any track no matter you experience. Come get social, have a good time, learn some new nerdy concepts, and see about building our local WP community to be much stronger and support of each of the types of users in our area!

This event is free and open to the public. The Knoxville WordPress group is open to all users and can be found here.


July 19, 2017
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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