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Filters and Working in the Frequency Domain

NOTE: This is a two session class; January 12 and 19, 11:00am – 12:30pm each day.

If you’ve been building circuits for some time and want to improve your understanding of just what’s going on then this is a great class series for you!

Many common circuits you’ve used are really filters at heart:
– Bypass capacitors
– Switch de-bouncing
– Arduino PWM audio output filter
– Stereo speaker crossovers
– RF communications filters

Ray will teach attendees about several interesting concepts:
– How to think about signals in the frequency domain
– Types of filters
– How filters are used
– What’s an FFT and is it useful to me?

You will take away a better understanding in particular of:
– How to better identify filters in a schematic
– Why and how we use bypass capacitors
– How proper filtering before an ADC input improves performance
– How to filter digital noise out of analog circuitry
– What’s the deal with ferrite beads?

Attendees should have experience working with electronics. In particular it would be helpful to review resistor dividers, bypass capacitors and Ohm’s law before attending class if those are at all fuzzy. Bring a pencil and paper to take notes.

All proceeds go to Knox Makers.

There will be a fee for this class of $19.96 for current Knox Members and $24.96 for the general public – all proceeds go to Knox Makers. There will be a 2 person minimum and a 6 person maximum. If the class minimum is not reached by midnight two days before the event the class will be canceled and all tickets will be refunded.

Directions: Knox Makers parking and entrance is located in the fenced area around the back of the SPARK building.

Knox Makers is a place for the Knoxville area’s engineers, artists, hobbyists, innovators, educators and entrepreneurs to work and play. We are a technology and art collective dedicated to the promotion of creativity enabled and informed by science. Our lectures, workshops, and outreach programs inspire and educate both members and the general public. Our workshop provides members with both the space for large projects and the tools to complete them. We are a non-profit educational organization supported by member dues and staffed by volunteers.


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January 12, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
$19.96 – $24.96
Event Category:


Knox Makers – Classroom
116 Childress St SW
Knoxville, TN 37920 United States
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