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Embroidery Machine Auth

embrodeiery auth

This is the authorization class needed to use the Brother Innov-is NQ1700E Embroidery Machine. The general format of the class covers choosing the right stabilizer and needle for your project, hooping, designing and stitching it. A hands-on approach will show the basics of how to turn the preloaded text and images into fabric art.

For the more advanced, loading up a pes file format embroidery design of your own will be covered. Class time will vary depending on number of questions and skill level of participants.

Directions- Knox Makers parking and entrance is located around the back of the SPARK building in the fenced in area.

Knox Makers is a place for the Knoxville area’s engineers, artists, hobbyists, innovators, educators and entrepreneurs to work and play. We are a technology and art collective dedicated to the promotion of creativity enabled and informed by science. Our lectures, workshops, and outreach programs inspire and educate both members and the general public. Our workshop provides members with both the space for large projects and the tools to complete them. We are a non-profit educational organization supported by member dues and staffed by volunteers.


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$ 9.96
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February 24
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Free – $9.96
Event Category:


Knox Makers – Fiber Arts
116 Childress St SW
Knoxville, TN 37920 United States
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