Advanced Serial Communications
If you’ve used I2C, SPI or some other similar serial communications using Arduino or other microcontrollers, you probably appreciate the value. It’s often as simple as copying code in and hooking up a couple of wires. But sometimes things don’t work as expected. Long wires, reflections, improper pull-up resistor values, ringing, interference and countless other issues plague us at times.
In this class, Ray will:
– Discuss some interesting aspects of PCIe high speed communications
– Explain some debugging techniques using oscilloscopes and logic analyzers
– Share rules of thumb for preventing communications issues
– Discuss advanced I2C and SPI concepts such as clock synchronization and stretching
– Show a demo of I2C reflections and signal spectrum analysis
Prerequisites: A basic understanding of I2C and/or SPI communications.
Directions: Knox Makers parking and entrance is located in the fenced area around the back of the SPARK building.
Knox Makers is a place for the Knoxville area’s engineers, artists, hobbyists, innovators, educators and entrepreneurs to work and play. We are a technology and art collective dedicated to the promotion of creativity enabled and informed by science. Our lectures, workshops, and outreach programs inspire and educate both members and the general public. Our workshop provides members with both the space for large projects and the tools to complete them. We are a non-profit educational organization supported by member dues and staffed by volunteers.