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Intro to TIG Welding (GTAW 201)
Knox Makers - Metalworking 116 Childress St SW, KnoxvilleYou MUST have completed Introduction to Metalworking (MIG 101) or already be a non-novice welder before taking this class. This is not an intro to the metal shop, but the next step focusing on beginning TIG.
This is the next class in the welding series granting authorization on the TIG Welders and Hand Plasma Cutter.
We will spend just a few minutes refreshing basic safety and area requirements, then we will go over the plasma cutter. We’ll also learn how to set up a TIG machine and have shared welding time practicing technique.
Students are welcome bring their own PPE, shield and gloves if they have them, but this is NOT required- we have setups available to use.
Free – $49.96